Gmail is an email service, but the manner in which it is used differs greatly from standard email services as we know it. Currently in its beta test stage, one can only get Gmail by being invited to it. Yes, Gmail stands for Google mail.
First off, there is no need for folders in Gmail. Replies back and forth to each conversation are saved in the same chain that you can add a label to. Other messages can be manually added to the label as well. This way, by selecting one label, you can see every portion of every conversation about a particular topic, unlike folders into which one must go, read through all the subjects, and then sometimes read each of the emails looking for the proper reference. It is much more streamlined.
Next, there is virtually no limit to how much email you can save, unlike standard email that makes you pay for more room or gives you box limits.
Next to each email conversation, there will also be a numeric indicator of how many emails are contained in that conversation.
When composing emails, attachments can upload on the same webpage while you are writing rather than have to wait for a status bar to finish before you can do something else on a page.
Replies can be written into a text box at the bottom of each email, saving you the time it would normally take to go to a new page to write your return message.
If labels, and the normal boxes contained in standard emails (inbox, spam box, all mail view, drafts, trash, and sent mail) aren't enough of an organization system for you, there are ways to check off a given email and to star a given email. You can view a list of all the emails you've starred even if they don't having anything to do with each other except the particular reason you starred them. Boxes can remain checked and messages can remain starred even if you go to other views and other WebPages...even if you log out.
There is a keyword search within the email for your use.
There is a chat interface within your mailbox views and chats can be saved as messages like email.
Free interface with Gmail talk for phone calls over the computer is available with the right hardware.
There is an orientation video.
It keeps automatic track of those you've frequently mailed.
The interface for quick contacts is very handy rather than having to go through a whole list in every email process.
The rich formatting features an extra button to remove the formatting on highlighted text.
Conversation view offers visible tabs for every portion of the conversation for quick and easy reference instead of scrolling through a month's worth of replies.
Check it out. It was a little difficult to get used to at first, but eventually it cut the time I spent looking for, organizing and entering things into normal email interfaces in half.
What is the difference between email and gmail?
gmail is a term that google gives there E-Mail to make people think it's better. It's a sales scam type thing.
Reply:gmail is just google's email service. they might provide a few extra services.
Reply:Gmail is just a marketing thing... it's what google calls their email service... like hotmail or yahoo mail... no real differences between that and e-mail
Reply:email is universal while gmail is particular.
Reply:is the same where have u been
Reply:gmail has a ton of free memory (2720MB) I have 1000 emails in my gmail %26amp; am only using 1% of my memory. The available memory just keeps growing @ at least 1MB per week sometimes more. I have read a site about it called creepy gmail, they said it was big brother like. I still have my gmail %26amp; love it!
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